MMA, Facebook launch creative playbook on short-form mobile video strategy

Sandeep Bhushan, Director and Head, Global Marketing Solutions (GMS), Facebook India and Rohit Dadwal, Managing Director, MMA Asia Pacific at the MMA Forum India event in Mumbai Mobile Marketing Association

Loknath Das Loknath Das

Insights on Cannabis, Attitudes and Opioid Use From Dr. Brian Kaskie and the Cannabis and Older Persons Study

“There’s Something Happening Here: Exploring the Evolving Intersection Between Cannabis and Older Persons” is the theme of the recent issue of Public Policy & Aging Report, a journal of The Gerontological

Loknath Das Loknath Das

5 creative traps you’re getting into and how to avoid them

The world of creativity is tremendously satisfying and yet, quite frustrating at times. A lot of times, our frustration is the result of the traps we inadvertently get into. Having

Loknath Das Loknath Das

Market intelligence company Kids Insights launches in India

UK based market intelligence company Kids Insights has entered Asia-Pacific with Kids Insights India in partnership with TotallyAwesome, a kids digital media company headquartered in Singapore, which operates a kid-safe and compliant content and advertising platform.

Loknath Das Loknath Das