February 25, 2016

Amazon Now Selling Clothing Under Its Own In-House Brands In yet another effort to completely and totally dominate the shopping world, Amazon has apparently started a few private label clothing brands

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Amazon launches its own clothing brands

(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Share on Facebook Tweet Share (106) Pin (3) Over the years, Amazon has challenged the traditional brick-and-mortar model, redefined the books landscape, and gone all-in with original

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10 Tips to Cut Down Your Mobile Data Bill

Is your smartphone running up huge bills on data usage and throwing your budget out of control? We've all been there, and here are a few simple tips that you

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Mobile Locked Unless You Pay the Ransom? Could Happen to You in 2016

Software security firm Kaspersky Lab is holding the APAC Cyber Security Summit in Malaysia, where it is talking about the current security trends and threats faced by individuals and businesses

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