Quantum Break Developer Registers Trademark for ‘Alan Wake’s Return’

According to the eagle-eyed Internet detectives at popular video game forum, NeoGAF, Remedy Entertainment might be bringing back a well-loved IP. It has registered a trademark for what appears to

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Raspberry Pi 3 With 64-Bit CPU, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi Launched at $35

The Raspberry Pi foundation has launched the third version of its popular low-power Raspberry Pi development platform, the Raspberry Pi 3. It's priced at $35, the same as the Raspberry

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Apple Bricks Ethernet Port on Some Macs With OS X Update, Here’s How to Fix It

If your Mac isn't connecting to the Internet, you can blame Apple for that. The Cupertino-based company has admitted that a recent update to the operating system rendered the Ethernet

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EU Approves Dell Buyout of Data-Storage Giant EMC

EU regulators on Monday approved the record-buyout by Dell of EMC, the world's largest data-storage provider, for $67 billion or roughly Rs. 4,57,407 crores ($61.5). The US-based mega merger will

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