Should You Raise Money Through Non-Accredited Investor Equity Crowdfunding?
U.S. startups can now raise money from non-accredited investors through online platforms. But just because this type of fundraising is possible doesn’t mean you should use it. Non-accredited investor equity…
What If Your Crowdfunding Campaign Doesn’t Raise Enough Money?
0 Considering using crowdfunding for your next project or startup? You’d better make sure you choose your goal and budget carefully. Crowdfunded startups may be successful in meeting their stated…
10 Small Business Trademark Mistakes that Cost You Money
Your small business trademarks have an untold amount of potential value. Who knew 10 or 20 years ago that the Google and Apple brands would be worth tens of billions…
Is Your Business Bleeding Money? Here’s How to Stop It
“We need to talk about the project budget…” No phrase can strike fear into the heart of junior and senior management alike quite like an urgent email to discuss the…