Stockouts and Over-Stocking Affecting Your Revenue? Here’s the Solution

We don’t need to stress the importance of understanding product demand. For eCommerce businesses, the real challenge lies in not dropping the ball when it really matters. With the discount

Loknath Das Loknath Das

How to Handle Negative App Reviews?

App Builder Appy Pie, February 19, 2018: Everyone loves a compliment and most of the negative comments have an unsettling effect on us, no matter who we are and no matter where

Loknath Das Loknath Das

Business Writing Basics: How to Write 4 Common Business Documents

It’s one of those things you may not have mastered as you progressed through your career: the basics of business writing. Perhaps you are an entrepreneur who did not take business

Loknath Das Loknath Das

Setting Up Your New Vehicle: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’ve never owned a car before, you could be forgiven for feeling a little clueless when it comes to getting all the right documentation in place. It’s a bit

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