Samsung Earnings Are Rebounding as Flurry of New Biz Tech Appears

One of the stories somewhat lost in the headlines earlier this month, is that of an impressive comeback. After almost two years of lagging performance, Samsung operating profits rose 80 percent during

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Must Have Travel Apps and Tech for Your Devices

If you’re hitting the road for business this summer, you’re going to want to arm yourself with some must have travel apps and tech for your devices. That’s right, thanks to new and

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Plastic Bottle Cutter Shows Innovative Products Can Be Low Tech

In a world filled with 3D printers that can make pizza on command and smart-watches that can monitor daily health, it seems that low-tech gadgets can still be game-changing and innovative. Take

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Is America in the Midst of a High Tech Entrepreneurship Boom?

If you read the business press, you probably think the answer is yes. The popular media is full of stories about start-ups like Facebook, Groupon, Instagram, Linkedin, Snapchat, Twitter, WhatsApp,

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