MOZ Local Insights Launches – A Hub for Analyzing Local Marketing Presence

Meet Moz Local Search Insights. The company says the new tool is designed to provide businesses with a comprehensive understanding of their local search presence. In an email interview with

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New Smartphone from LG, Cloud Management Services from Staples Make Small Biz Headlines

If you want to run a mobile business, you need mobile specific tools like a smartphone and a cloud management platform. This week, small businesses got a few new options.

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Meem Creates a Smartphone Backup Every Time You Recharge

MEEM is a charger, mini-computer and backup storage device all rolled into one designed to store the personal bits of data in your iOS or Android smartphone every time you

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10 In-Home Business Opportunities You Can Start From Your Smartphone

You no longer need tons of expensive equipment to start a business. Today’s smartphones are so sophisticated and have so many different features that you can actually use them as

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