How To Lead Creative People (When You’re Not A Creative Yourself)
Shutterstock Creative people tend to be sensitive souls – some might even go so far as to say ‘highly strung’. They don’t always take criticism well, no matter how kindly…
Behind Seattle’s history of creative prowess
A city of misfits, with its own way of doing things, Seattle is attracting creative minds from around the world. A few years ago, Fast Company ranked Seattle as the…
Creative curbs
The ‘Padmavati’ episode will further push film-makers towardsself-censorship Earlier this year, while discussing the issue of censorship with a film-maker-friend I was warned about the bigger demon lurking on the…
Two smartphone apps for regulating a child’s smartphone and internet use
The Family Link app for Android is shown. (Google) If you want to supervise the online activity of your kids or teens who were given a smartphone this Christmas, you…