Inspire Your Student to Be a Kid Science Advisor to the White House This Summer


Inspire Your Student to Be a Kid Science Advisor to the White House This Summer

Inspired himself by a nine-year-old visitor to the White House, President Barack Obama has decided that having a team of kid science advisors is a good idea to better understand the needs of students learning STEM. Last month, nine-year-old Jacob Leggette asked Obama if he was in need of some kid science advisers, and Obama liked the idea. “We should have a kid’s advisory group that starts explaining to us what’s interesting to them and what’s working, and could help us shape advances in STEM education,” Obama said later on, according to The Washington Post. Today, The Washington Post says Obama is turning the idea into a reality and the result could turn out to be an excellent summer learning idea to inspire students to keep learning STEM throughout the summer months. “Inspired by Jacob’s idea, the White House created a Web page to allow children to share their thoughts and views on science, technology, engineering and math education. The site is set to go live Thursday at,” The Post said. [Note: the website does not appear to be live at the time of this posting]. The Post says the website will prompt children for their ideas on STEM: “If you could pitch the President on one idea on how we could make our country work better using science and technology, what would you say?” Sounds like a good idea for a classroom project or a summer learning opportunity to us! Read the full story