raises Rs1.25 crore from and ah! Ventures handpicks its users after a process of screening. It has around 500-800 registrations per day in over 50 countries. Mumbai: Online matchmaking company Aisle Network Pvt. Ltd said on

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Govin Capital signs agreement with IIT Madras Incubation Cell

Chennai: Singapore-based Govin Capital signed an agreement with Indian Institute of Technology Madras Incubation Cell to offer Bio-Entrepreneurial education and accelerate Med-tech and Life-Sciences start-ups from the wider IITM community.

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Vanity Cube raises $300,000 from Unicorn Ventures, others

Currently, Vanity Cube services users in Mumbai and Delhi. Mumbai: Delhi-based on-demand wellness and beauty services company Vanity Cube Pvt Ltd. said on Friday that it had raised $300,000 in

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Start-ups’ focus shifts to conserving cash

Grofers shut operations in nine cities, citing poor demand, just two months after raising as much as $120 million from Japan’s SoftBank Group and Tiger Global Management. Photo: Ramesh Pathania/

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