Are You Doing Yoga Nidra?
It is interesting to see how yoga nidra, where we literally do ‘nothing’, can do wonders for the body and mind. I find yoga nidra as restorative as sleep, or…
Cat Stretch (Marjariasana)
Even pet cats can teach us lessons in yoga! With a keen eye, the yogi absorbs ideas from the world around. Marjari asana, or the cat stretch, incorporates the excellent…
Butterfly Pose (Badhakonasana)
Badha = Bound or Restrained, Kona = Angle, Asana = Pose or Posture This pose is pronounced as BAH-dah-cone-AHS-ana The posture is named Badhakonasana because of the way it is…
How Yoga Can Keep You From Joint Pain
Do your knee joint or wrists or shoulders ache when doing trivial things? Is the pain in your joints limiting you from enjoying life the way you wish to? Are…