Main Differences Between Engaged and Disengaged Employees


There has been a big shift from thinking of employees as a means to achieve company goals through just paying them more money or threatening them into working harder to working out the ways of keeping them actively engaged in their job roles. You may be wondering why you should try to keep employees engaged in the first place. Well, there are plenty of main differences between engaged and disengaged employees that are certainly worth highlighting.

It is estimated that only around 15 percent of the workforce are actively engaged in what they are doing, which may seem like a low figure, but you certainly want to make sure that your employees fall comfortably into this category. A big part of this comes down to them being in their correct job roles in the first place so that they have a proper opportunity to excel within them. These people will not only fulfil all of the roles that they are expected to, but they will also go above and beyond to do more. They are also likely to become the leaders of tomorrow and they are much more likely to stay with an organization for an extended period of time.

  • Not Engaged

The next category of employees consists of those who are not actively engaged, which is estimated to make up around two thirds of the workspace. For many people, it is very easy to mistake them for those who are engaged as they often have the appearance of people who are happy and satisfied. The main difference is that they will also be happy enough to move job roles if they are to find a company that offers a more favorable pay packet or some of the other major incentives that people are looking for. With the proper approach, these are the kinds of employees who can be converted to engaged employees, but a proper strategy needs to be put in place. The first step is to find out what employee engagement means in the first place, and this article from Simpplr can give you a bit more on this.

  • Actively Disengaged

Finally, you have the employees who are actively disengaged from what they are doing, and these are obviously the people who can be extremely detrimental to any organization. These are the employees who are often vocal in speaking about their unhappiness and it can feel easy for them to pass on their negative feelings to others. Ultimately, you need to find out what the root causes are in order for you to be able to stop this from happening in the future.

Understanding the difference between engaged employees, those who are not engaged and those who are actively disengaged can make such a big difference towards you putting in place steps that will move everybody into the former camp rather than allowing them to stay in the latter one for an extended period of time long into the future.