How to Keep Your Teeth and Mouth Healthy


Many people have seen the unpleasant photos on the internet of neglected teeth that should serve as motivation to keep up with dental health. However, in too many cases, people neglect their oral and dental health until it is too late, i.e., when they develop pain or discomfort. However, most dental problems are easy to prevent if you follow a regular routine of care, use high-quality dental products, and visit a dentist at least twice per year. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind if you want to keep your teeth and mouth healthy for as long as possible.

Visit a dentist at least twice per year

Even people who follow a faultless oral hygiene routine should be visiting their dentist at least twice per year, even if they are not experiencing any problems. It is important to have your teeth cleaned by a professional and checked over for early signs of cavities, plaque, and any other potential issues that could be harder to treat if neglected. Enhanced Dental Studios Southport offers a wide range of dental treatments and services for the whole family.

Always brush your teeth before bed

Hopefully, you were taught from a young age to brush your teeth before bed and after your breakfast in the morning. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not brush their teeth at night regularly, which is actually when it is most important. During the day, bacteria, food, and plaque will accumulate in your mouth, and as you sleep, they can cause decay, discoloration, or infection.

Learn to brush your teeth and tongue properly

Are you brushing your teeth and tongue correctly? In some instances, people can cause damage to their teeth by brushing incorrectly. You should be spending at least two minutes gently brushing your teeth in circular motions. This helps to remove more plaque to prevent it from hardening and causing gum disease.

Choose fluoride toothpaste

There are hundreds of toothpaste brands and types on the market, each promising a range of different benefits such as whiter teeth, fresher breath, or reduced sensitivity. Whichever toothpaste you choose, make sure that it includes fluoride, as it has been found to be one of the most effective defenses against tooth decay.

Remember to floss

Flossing once per day is a great way to remove small pieces of food and bacteria that can become stuck between the teeth and cause problems. It can also help to reduce inflammation and stimulate the gums while reducing plaque. There are tools that can help older people with limited dexterity to floss their teeth.

Use mouthwash a few times per week

Using mouthwash a few times per week can help to re-mineralize teeth and remove bacteria and acid from every nook and cranny of the mouth that both brushing and flossing might miss. There are several brands of mouthwash to choose from, so it might be worth asking your dentist for a recommendation.

Drinks lots of water

It should not be news to you that drinking plenty of water is beneficial for your physical and mental health, but it is also a great way to keep your mouth and teeth healthy. Drinking water during and after each meal will help to reduce the amount of time that food and sugary or acidic drinks are in your mouth.