15 blogs about education that every teacher should read


10 Best Education Blogs You Should Be Reading in 2025

Ideas abound in a teacher’s diary. You take a note whenever you come across a post, an app, an interesting tool, or a website. We are aware that teachers are buzzing bees with a curious mind. I’m writing this post for this reason. Fear of missing out, or FOMO. a brand-new occurrence among people.

What kind of information ought not to be missed? What is very nice, amusing, and motivating to know? A list of 15 blogs that teachers should read is provided below. Immerse yourself in the extensive collection of educational insights that provide professional growth guidance and support.

15 educational websites

1. Technology for teachers

At no cost One of my favorites about education blogs is this one! The author, Richard Byrne, taught at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in South Paris, Maine, for eight and a half years. He tried out one-on-one laptop use during that time before the program spread to the entire school. He writes about classroom technology. He suggests educational apps and tools for the classroom. The learning doesn’t change, but your teaching does. You can engage your students more actively through free technology for teachers.

2. CoolCatTeacher

Another inspiring educational blog is CoolCatTeacher, written by Vicki Davis.
Vicki provides teachers with advice on a variety of topics. If you are looking for something, you should definitely keep an eye on her blog. She also gives talks and podcasts that are motivating.

3. WeAreTeachers

WeAreTeachers is a community of enthusiastic educators who are committed to providing their fellow educators with useful content. WeAreTeachers serves as a resource hub for educators worldwide, offering a wealth of inspiration, practical insights, and novel concepts because it is aware of the difficulties and rewards of teaching.

4. EdTechTeam

The global network of former educators known as EdTechTeam All of them have gone on to become educational technologists and are committed to motivating and empowering educators. You can use the helpful tech advice they provide on their blog in your classroom. I was blown away by some of these tips, which completely transformed the way I work and teach.

5. Edutopia

Edutopia is a community and website for education in general. Edutopia wants to spread the word about what works in education and encourage its adoption. Project-based learning, comprehensive assessment, integrated studies, social and emotional learning, educational leadership and teacher development, and technology integration are its most important topics.

6. TeachThought

The goal of TeachThought is to help people learn better. The blog has four authors and covers a wide range of subjects grouped into four categories: critical thinking, education, education, and the future of education. Every teacher should definitely read this blog! They also have a large number of interesting podcasts in addition to their posts.

7. The driving force of change

George Couros is the blogger behind this blog. He is a consultant in education, learning, and leadership. He thinks that we should encourage our kids to follow their passions and let them inspire us to do the same.

8. Practical instruction

A comprehensive blog led by Kalena Baker provides educators with a variety of useful resources and time-saving advice. She comprehends the demands and difficulties teachers face every day.

9. Teacher’s Guide With over 4.5 million readers

Teacher Toolkit is one of the UK’s most influential blogs. Ross McGill, the author of this blog, is a deputy headteacher at a school in North London. He is in charge of raising the standard of instruction and learning. Tips for learning and teaching are discussed on his teacher blog. Additionally, he offers numerous resources to teachers.

10. EdTech for Newbies

The author of this edtech blog, Neil Jarret, teaches sixth grade at an international school in Bangkok, Thailand, where he also serves as the maths coordinator. He is originally from London and has a Masters Degree in education.

Educational technology is the subject of this blog. Neil writes about fun educational technology tools and apps for the classroom on his blog. This is definitely the place for you if you have no idea what technology can do for you.

11. Kaffeeklatsch by Kathy Schrock

Kathy Schrock has held positions as a middle school, academic, museum, public library, instructional technology specialist, and director of technology for a school district. Since the early 1990s, she has been involved in technology to support education! Kathy also blogs, teaches online, writes, gives speeches, and leads workshops, keynotes, and presentations for professional development. Kathy is well-known for incorporating technology into education.

12. The creative teacher

The persona behind this contemporary blog is Lisa Nielsen. Because she always found school to be boring, she writes and tries to inspire teachers. She writes about cutting-edge teaching strategies and technologies on her blog.

13. Tech Tips for Class

Monica Burns covers technology in her writing. She used iPads as a classroom teacher to create engaging, differentiated learning experiences that met each student’s individual needs. Monica specializes in teacher-focused short list posts about educational apps and tools.

14. MindShift

MindShift looks at the future of education from every angle. They talk about how technology affects learning, how the brain works, poverty and inequality, social and emotional practices, assessments, digital games, design thinking, music, and a lot of other topics.

15. BookWidgets

Our own blog, of course, comes in last. We are putting in a lot of effort to write in-depth posts about education, educational technology, fun classroom game ideas, and articles that will motivate teachers everywhere. Naturally, we also discuss helpful advice for BookWidgets users. We noticed that teachers frequently require some motivation. It is certain to benefit their students even if it is not for them. You can stay informed by following us on Twitter. Close out Although all of these blogs are nice, which one is currently THE one? If you’re having trouble keeping up with all of these blogs, I might be able to help. You can add any blog you want to follow to Feedly. A single website for numerous blogs. Of course, these 15 blogs have no bearing on education. These are merely a few ideas. The top 100 educational blogs are listed below. Give it a look! To keep up with our latest blog posts, follow us on Twitter and join our Teaching with BookWidgets Facebook group. Lastly, please contact me via LinkedIn.