Linux is great for development and security, and really stable in every-day use. If you would like to master this OS, the Linux Power User Bundle teaches the basics through to command line wizardry via five courses, currently priced at $19 over at TechnoBuffalo Deals.
If you are brand new to Linux, the bundle offers a great introduction through the Linux for Beginners course. Via step-by-step video tutorials, you learn your way around the system, before finding out how to install WordPress locally and write your first command line instructions. This content is backed up by Learn Linux in 5 Days, which walks you through the various distros available, the Linux file system, customizing your environment, and how to control a Linux server, among other key skills. You can also learn about great Linux apps in a separate track, before getting to grips with Linux Command Line Essentials, and understanding how to eliminate points of failure in your apps with the LAMP stack.
The five courses offer over 22 hours’ tuition between them, and are worth $693 — grab the deal now to save 97% on the regular price.